SSDBlaze features

SSDBlaze’s core business is selling rapidly deployed dedicated servers as well as KVM VPS hosting services hosted in the U.S. locations.

The hosting firm is a medium-sized service provider with its head office in Arizona, U.S. that also sells shared hosting and reseller hosting solutions. This information, however, is not available directly on its website; I had to dig deeper into its Facebook account and on its shopping cart on the checkout to get it.

Features and Ease of Use

One of the strongest selling points of SSDBlaze is its quick deployment of servers. The setup process is free, and once your payment has been verified, it deploys your server within 15 minutes. You also get access to the following standard features:

  • Redundant power and a 1Gbps connection
  • Samsung SSD storage systems
  • DCIM control panel with dedicated servers
  • Linux OS: Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian
  • Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for reseller

In addition, SSDBlaze customers get to enjoy powerful hardware infrastructure powered by some of the industry’s leading brands. Its servers use Intel Xeon core processors and they are equipped with HDD/SATA/SSD hard disks in RAID 1 configuration for high security and reliability.

All of the SSDBlaze hardware infrastructure is hosted in two major cities in the United States: Dallas and New York. Its shared web hosting packages are divided into three packages: Basic (10GB disk space), Standard (20GB disk space), and Pro (40GB disk space).

All of the shared plans are powered by an easy-to-use cPanel control panel and they also come with “everything unlimited”, including unlimited bandwidth, unlimited databases, unlimited email accounts, and unlimited domains.

While the SSDBlaze website advertises offsite weekly backup services, on its T.O.S, the hosting company states that users are solely responsible for making their own backups.

Pricing and Support

SSDBlaze hosting services offer pocket-friendly options and allow customers to configure their server resources, including bandwidth and the number of IP addresses, among other features. The plans provide flexible billing cycles, including monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual subscriptions, with prices denoted in U.S. dollars.

SSDBlaze offers an industry-standard uptime guarantee of 99.9%, but its uptime monitor system has recorded an average uptime of 99.9735% for the year 2019. The hosting company has one of the shortest refund policies, offering a 72-hour money-back guarantee.

SSDBlaze support

Customers can get in touch with SSDBlaze’s support desk via telephone, contact form, live chat, or ticketing system. That said, the company does not appear to have an email support system.

I opened a ticket and the vendor’s support team replied within eight hours.

SSDBlaze email received

SSDBlaze appears as if it is primarily in the business of selling server solutions to suit SMEs in the U.S. market. However, although it does offer shared and reseller hosting plans, it’s hard to even know that the vendor has them, especially for novice customers who don’t know their way around the internet.


  • Uses servers with Intel Xeon core processors
  • Disk storage with RAID array technology
  • Shared web hosting plans with “everything unlimited”
  • Recorded an average uptime of 99.9735% for 2019